Creating a balance between tech innovations and narratives.

Liz Quezada O'Rourke
3 min readOct 21, 2020

Technology affects everything we do now. What is even worse because of that is the constant need for innovations and updates. Users want to be at the disposal of the creators. They want apps made to fit their every need and want. But, how can this be done when needs are constantly changing and technology constantly evolves?

Create a Balance.

Today, EBooks are becoming more and more popular. The idea of carrying your favorite bulky books is not as appealing. Although, the feel of a book and the feel of completing a book could never compare to reading an EBook. But what we do have to realize is that these companies like Metabook are innovating in new waters. They want to give the reader the enjoyment of reading their favorite book but with all new features. This is also an effort in creating more opportunities for users to become active readers. These features include more information about the book and offer a way to connect with other users.

Metabook, Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil is a good example of the constant struggle between balancing these new innovations and the narrative obtained by the reader. Metabook offers the user ways to engage with the app and read the book (with or without an audio reading). Some of the new innovations include: soundtrack (only instrumentals), postcard sharing, 3D interactive experience, more information on crime scene evidence, and an introduction with the author. These features create opportunities for the reader to delve into areas they could not by just reading the hard copy. They could but would not be as inclined to do so. But, what happens when the features do not match up with the needs of the user when they are creating a narrative? The soundtrack feature that is offered in Metabook only offers instrumentals and is very limited. The postcard sharing feature only offers email, Twitter, and Facebook sharing platforms. There are so many more frequently used platforms now. There are only three options for postcards and no customizability. The struggle to balance these innovations lies in the understanding of the technology, the book, and the user.

So, how do you balance these two ends? Firstly, the manufacturer needs to consistently update the app with features that resonate with the user. The user will then be more inclined to want to use that feature or the app because of the updates and less potential for glitches. Secondly, the manufacturer needs to understand the relationship between new digital content and the app itself. When users create something they need to think of its audience, its purpose, and how it will relate to its consumers. The world of technology is ever evolving and there is no way to stay completely up to date. We need to change with the times and understand the evolving consumer needs and wants.



Liz Quezada O'Rourke

Hi! My name is Elizabeth, but I prefer to be called Liz. I am currently a Senior majoring in International Business with a minor in English at Iona College.